Thursday 12 July 2018

Fun Circular Rides-Merry Go Rounds

A carousel is an essentially a fancy merry go around, which is an amusement park equipment that consists of a circular platform with seats that are usually wooden horses. Some horses tend to move up and down to simulate the feeling of galloping, while the ride rotates.

Carousels aren't exactly thrill rides, but they do contain an aspect of centripetal motion. The horses closer to the center of the carousel are slower than the horses on the outside, creating different sensations depending on your placement on the ride. Why is this you ask? Well, it's mainly due to the fact that the ride is circular. The horses in the center and on the outside need to have the same time per revolution, however, the horses on the outside need to travel a longer distance in a shorter period of time in order keep pace with the horse nearer to the center. This means that the horses on the outside move faster than those on the inside. So here's a little tip for you; if you get queasy on most amusement park rides, ride the carousel and pick the horse closest to the inside of the circle, because it will be moving the slowest! 

Beston offers varied different types of carousel rides with guaranteed price and quality. If you have needs for amusement equipment, I recommend you to have a look, and we won't let you down! Here is the link:

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