Monday 11 June 2018

Bumper Cars

Have you been to the amusement park lately? If you have, you might have taken a ride on the bumper cars. They are the small cars in a pavilion, with rubber bumpers around them. You can drive them around, and crash into other cars, including the cars that your friends and family are driving. It's fun because you don't usually get to smash into things on purpose! And you certainly couldn't smash your parents' car into someone else's—that would be dangerous. But here, it's OK. Check Beston top quality and varied bumper cars.

Sometimes, if you plan it out with another friend in another car, you can trap someone in a corner by parking two cars on either side of them. They'll get mad at first, but once you let them out they'll probably think it's really funny. That's what bumper cars are all about!

Have you ever thought about how bumper cars work? They don't have big rubber
wheels like regular cars do. You don't fill them up with gas to make them go. They actually get their energy from electricity. Sticking up out of the back are poles. These poles are connected to the ceiling. Electricity comes through the poles and down to the bumper cars so that when you step on the “gas” pedal, the car moves forward.

Usually, energy is generated inside of a car using an engine, which is operated using gas. The gas makes the pistons inside the engine move up and down. The movement of the pistons generates electricity, which goes into the battery. From there, the
electricity goes to the wheels to make them move. The energy from the battery also goes up to the dashboard to make the radio and lights work and charge your mobile phone. Anything that uses electricity in the car relies on the engine to generate that electricity.

But in bumper cars, the energy has been generated in an energy plant far away. Then it travels to the amusement park, to the bumper car pavilion, and down into your car. That's a long way for it to travel!

More information about bumper cars here:

Beston also supplies many other types of amusement park rides, and you can visit the website to choose what you need:

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